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07/23/10(Fri)03:58 No.458973  File1279871885.png-(67 KB, 500x500, 0045-UghSHUTUPMom.png)
 UGH before you can go, your STUPID MOM is bothering you on AIM.
orunitiasister12:56:02 You get off that computer, young lady!
HeatherArika12:56:16 NO MOM. I'm busy being a POKEMON MASTER.
orunitiasister12:56:32 you're not going ANYWHERE until you finish eating your breakfast and then do your chores.
HeatherArika12:56:43 I got my glasses, i'm out the door i'm gonna HIT THIS CITY
orunitiasister12:56:51 Did you even brush your teeth, young lady? 12:57:07 With a bottle of JACK I bet, right? Gosh. You're so predictable.
HeatherArika12:57:07 WITH A BOTTLE OF JACK 12:57:11 ... 12:57:12 Shut up. |